Lindy's Wonderland
Happy Mother's Day to all!!! ^_^

Have FUN watching PACMAN's fight!!! ^_^

Well... I just have to make some drafts to the next chapter of the TREASURE GUARDS and maybe.... it'll have a sister story.... I'm thinking of putting another story.... It's called.... PERFECT TWO. Based on the song PERFECT TWO by AUBURN. Though it's a Tagalog-English story.... I want to post it!! ^_^

Once again!! Happy MOTHER'S Day!!~~~
Whooa!! I woke up this day at.... i think... its about 1 pm... XD

And I slept last night.... 5 am.... XD

Is that healthy? <laughs> Of course its not!! But I'm just hooked up with animes!!! Can somebody help me??? 
Ugh!! Been making this SITE for ages!! -_-

Well, glad its half done now.... ^_^

I want to thank myself for making this SITE for ME!! And... yeah, I'm starting to become crazy!! <laughs> joke!!

Well, it'll be much appreciated if someone comments and  sees this SITE... OH WELL!! ^_^
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